83+ X5 Midfielders Pack

Contains 5 Midfielders (LM, CDM, CM, CAM, RM) rated 83 or higher.

rare background
rare background
Pack image


Coins Spent


Packs Opened


FC Points Spent


Avg. Value

How much is a 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack worth?

The 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack costs - Coins or - FC Points if you buy it from the store. On average the value of a 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack is 15,417 Coins, and the average discard value is NaN .

What is in the 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack?

In a 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack you will find 5 items , 5 of which are rare items. On average this pack will contain the following items: 5 player.

Is the 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack worth it?

We never recommend buying packs with coins, since the average 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack value is 15,417 Coins, and the average discard value is NaN.

If you buy the 83+ x5 Midfielders Pack with coins, you would on average lose NaN Coins.

Value distribution


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